Controlled vocabulary

Country of submitterItaly
Name of the vocabularyThIST (Italian Thesaurus of Earth Sciences)
Name of the owner of the vocabularyAPAT / Angela Carusone, Luca Olivetta
Email of the ownerangela.carusone [at];
Phone of the owner+39.06.44442880
Fax of the owner+39.06.44442216
Contributors (people and/or organizations)APAT (Agenzia per la protezione dell\'ambiente e per i servizi tecnici = Agency for the environmental protection and technical services
Angela Carusone (librarian, APAT Library)
Luca Olivetta (geologist, indexer)
Official language of the vocabularyitalian
Second languages of vocabularyenglish,
Type of the vocabularyThesaurus,
Coverage of the vocabularyEarth Sciences
If the vocabulary is a simple and small list of terms

Publishing date of this version of the vocabularyprinted by dec. 2004
Updating frequency
How many terms (lexical units) contains this vocabulary?Between 5001 and 10000
Which thesaurus features are supported?Narrower term / Broader term ; Related term (or 'See also') ; Use/Used for (or 'See') ; Top term ;
How is the controlled vocabulary available?Through the Internet
URL of the
Specific contextLibrary, Archive, geologists, geological organizations, etc.
Technical or other requirements for using the vocabulary
Intellectual property rights and conditions of useFree to distribute unaltered
Free to use the vocabulary browsing tools (if applicable)
A reference to the copyright owner is required
Costs for obtaining or using the vocabularyfree distribution once published in CDRom and printed copies
Which thesaurus or other vocabulary standards are followedISO 2788/1986
Standardization bodies that are endorsing this vocabularyIt results from an integration between the terminological database which the Library has built up in several years of indexing work, and the thesaurus published by the Italian National Research Council (CNR) in 1997.
It is also strictly connected to the Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences (MTG), prepared by an international working group of the Commission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information (CGI), where Italy is represented by APAT.
Metadata set and elements