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MINERVA survey 2004-2005
Multilingual websites and multilingual thesauri

There are 20 official, and about 150 estimated minority and immigrant languages spoken in the enlarged European Union. The aim of our survey was mapping the multilingual access to the European digital cultural content. Instead of creating a brand new multilingual thesaurus, we decided to make a survey for collecting information on multilingual websites and thesauri in use. We are pleased to share our findings, and introduce the best practice examples.
To find out more about the MINERVA project, please, visit the official website:



Multilingual websites

Survey statistics

Multilingual thesauri


Country reports

Multilingual access to the digital European cultural heritage (PDF) (DOC)
Final version of the deliverable (31.01.2006.)

Multilingual access to the digital European cultural heritage (PDF) (DOC)
Draft of the deliverable (22.12.2005.)