With the exception of a few chapters, the events discussed in this work have taken place before the First World War. As all previous publications have used Hungarian forms of place names which have since been changed, it would be complicated to alter them. Hence they appear in this book in the form originally used at the time and since then by the researchers. The same applies to the names of counties.

The following is a list of place names which have been changed since the events discussed took place. The Hungarian county is put in brackets after the place names.

Appony (Nyitra)Oponice (Czechoslovakia)
Bártfa (Sáros) Bardejov (Czechoslovakia)
Becskerek (N agybecskerek) (Torontál)Petrograd (Yugoslavia)
Beszterce (Beszterce-Naszód) Bistriţa (Rumania)
Bős (Pozsony)Beš (Czechoslovakia)
Brassó (Pozsony)Brašov (Czechoslovakia)
Brassó (Brassó) Braşov (Rumania)
Csíksomlyó (Csík) Şumuleni (Rumania)
Doborján (Sopron) Raiding (Austria)
Eperjes (Sáros) Prešov (Czechoslovakia)
Galánta (Pozsony) Galanta (Czechoslovakia)
Gálos (Moson) Gols (Austria)
Gyulafehérvár (Alsó-Fehér)Alba-Julia (Rumania)
Kassa (Abaúj-Torna) Košice (Czechoslovakia)
Kismarton (Sopron) Eisenstadt (Austria)
Kisszeben (Sáros) Sabinov (Czechoslovakia)
Kolozsvár (Kolozs)Cluj (Rumania)
Körmöcbánya (Bars) Krenmica (Czechoslovakia)
Lőcse (Szepes) Levoča (Czechoslovakia)
Máramarossziget (Máramaros) Sighet (Rumania)
Mikháza (Maros-Torda) Călugăreni (Rumania)
Nagyszeben (Szeben) Sibiu (Rumania)
Nagyszalonta (Bihar)Salonta Mare (Rumania)
Nagyszentmiklós (Torontál) Sînnicolaul Mare (Rumania)
Nagyvárad (Bihar)Oradea (Rumania)
Nyír (Bars)Nirovce (Czechoslovakia)
{257.} Nyitra (Nyitra)Nitra (Czechoslovakia)
Óvár (Nógrád)Olováry (Czechoslovakia)
Pozsony (Pozsony)Bratislava (Czechoslovakia)
Pusztafödémes (Pozsony) Pustýfedýmeš (Czechoslovakia)
Rétfalu (Sopron)Wiesen (Austria)
Sepsiszentgyörgy (Háromszék) Sfîntu Gheorghe (Rumania)
Szárhegy (Csík) Lăzărea (Rumania)
Szászorbó (Szeben) Gîrbova (Rumania)
Szeben (Nagyszeben) (Szeben) Sibiu (Rumania)
Székelyudvarhely (Udvarhely) Odorhei (Rumania)
Temesvár (Temes)Timişoara (Rumania)